Hello! E'm Warten Weg. I work as a Graphic Designer in Durban, South Africa. I have extensive experience in graphic layout and building and am also skilled in design. I enjoy discussing our uniqueness with you.
Okay, listen up, mshana. This article is a map. It is for anyone who wants to teach themselves graphic design. You can work from home, you know, like a boss. It starts with the basics. You learn about colours and fonts. Then, it moves on to building your skills by practicing. Finally, you make a portfolio that will make the clients say, “eish!”.
You need to be online. Get yourself a website. Learn how to find your first few customers. It tells you what tools you actually need and not to stress too much about the fancy stuff. It’s proper real talk. This article proves that anyone can learn graphic design from home in South Africa. You just need to give it a go, mshana.